Friday, September 29, 2006


Random Thought Of the Week

Any time someone approaches me with the greeting "Whats Up Dave" It means one thing and one thing only.
-it will be followed immediately by an awkward and uncomfortable pause on both sides
-the awkward pause will be followed by either someone asking me to do something for them, or more likely an awkward and uncomfortable topic being brought up

Dont get me wrong here, I am ok with this. At least it gives me a second or two to prepare for the ensuing awkwardness. Additionally a greeting of "Whats Up" or "Dave" by themselves are completely harmless. It appears to only be when the two are combined that trouble is afoot.

P.S. I will not be providing any examples of these conversations because they are obviously awkward and uncomfortable.

P.P.S. Anyone who reads this and decides it will be funny to start constantly greeting me in this manner just remember you are a terrible person and probably likely to one day start killing kittens.

That is all


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