Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hot Pockets

While at the stop and shop yesterday I ran across an amazing find. Chicken Fajita hot pockets are being discontinued and were half off. I did the obvious thing and purchased the entire supply the stop and shop had. This seemed like a great idea at the time, but now I am not so sure. There are multiple ways this can screw me over. Option A is that this flavor hot pockets are being discontinued because they are disgusting. This would obviously suck. Option B is that these will be the best hot pockets ever and I will spend the rest of my life upset that I can never again get them. Either way would suck. I will keep you all posted on how they are. Additional things to look forward in upcoming blogs, "you know your life sucks when you have to ask the transvestite karaoke DJ where your husband is" and pictures from the medieval faire. Be excited because they are worth the wait.


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