Recent Events (to the best of my recollection)
Friday April 13th:
-On friday the 13th we had a large fire culminating a weeks worth of invasive species removal. Large fires on such a cursed date might not seem like the best idea but hey, we arent professionals we are volunteers.
as you can see the fire got quite large at times. fortunately we always roll with backup.

Actually the fire department was scheduled to come put out our fire at the end of the day, it never really got out of our control. Here is a pic of the happy crew with there fire smoldering at days end.

After a hard days work a bunch of us decided to head to sundancers, a real classy joint. Unfortunately I dont have any pictures of the rest of the day cause that is when things get interesting. Some highlights:
-Drinking two dollar beers, possibly the cheapest they have ever been on the cape.
-Winning a Red sox hat for knowing that more people die every year playing golf than any other sport, not sure why or how i know this but it worked out.
-Immediately making the best deal of the century trading my hat for a T-shirt so I didnt have to smell like smoke all night.
-Mel winning the drawing for two red sox tickets, unfortunately she is not taking me, bummer.
-After multiple two dollar beers making the decision to catch a ride to bourne to keep the night going rather than taking my scheduled ride home. Keep in mind Bourne is over an hour away from my house and I had no means of getting home, I love spur of the moment decisions.
-Going to the parrot and continuing to drink heavily.
-Making friends with the cover band playing at the bar, by the way they were 17 and I dont think ever had fans before, I wish I had pictures of this.
Saturday April 14th:
-Stayed in a yurt for the first time in my life and let me tell you they are quite a luxurious way to live,
if you look closely you will notice the smoky the bear button on my jacket.
Sunday April 15th
-this day will be omitted for time purposes.
Monday April 16th
Boston Marathon day. You wouldnt think watching 24,000 people run would be all that exciting but the city really gets into it. Deciding that you will drink as long as people are runnning is a great idea for such an event. Drunk people cheering really fast people is pretty entertaining. Amazingly with all the people stumbling back and forth across the race course I didnt see anybody collide with a runner.
Fast Forward to Thursday April 19th.
-This was a big day for me as I finally reached the quarter century mark. How did I celebrate such a monumental event, well I worked all day then spent four hours in a red card class, out of control. Fortunately all day I was lavished with cards and presents from family and friends including a pair of flip flops with a built in flask, this is destined to be a reoccurring item in the blog.
Saturday April 21st
Bonfire on the beach to celebrate the birthday. The sunset, drinks, and fire were enjoyed by all, however as I was exhausted from the eight hours spent hanging out with firefighters, it remained rather uneventful for me.
Sunday April 22nd
The second beautiful cape cod day in a row. Temperatures reaching into the seventies. I celebrated the weather by cleaning my car. This may not sound all that exciting but I have literally been saying I was going to do this for Eight months and Seven days. It is rather nice to now have a clean(er) car.
That pretty much brings things up to date. I am sure there were many more exciting things that happened which have been forgotten by now but what can you do. Update the blog more frequently you say, only time can tell.
-On friday the 13th we had a large fire culminating a weeks worth of invasive species removal. Large fires on such a cursed date might not seem like the best idea but hey, we arent professionals we are volunteers.
Actually the fire department was scheduled to come put out our fire at the end of the day, it never really got out of our control. Here is a pic of the happy crew with there fire smoldering at days end.
After a hard days work a bunch of us decided to head to sundancers, a real classy joint. Unfortunately I dont have any pictures of the rest of the day cause that is when things get interesting. Some highlights:
-Drinking two dollar beers, possibly the cheapest they have ever been on the cape.
-Winning a Red sox hat for knowing that more people die every year playing golf than any other sport, not sure why or how i know this but it worked out.
-Immediately making the best deal of the century trading my hat for a T-shirt so I didnt have to smell like smoke all night.
-Mel winning the drawing for two red sox tickets, unfortunately she is not taking me, bummer.
-After multiple two dollar beers making the decision to catch a ride to bourne to keep the night going rather than taking my scheduled ride home. Keep in mind Bourne is over an hour away from my house and I had no means of getting home, I love spur of the moment decisions.
-Going to the parrot and continuing to drink heavily.
-Making friends with the cover band playing at the bar, by the way they were 17 and I dont think ever had fans before, I wish I had pictures of this.
Saturday April 14th:
-Stayed in a yurt for the first time in my life and let me tell you they are quite a luxurious way to live,
Sunday April 15th
-this day will be omitted for time purposes.
Monday April 16th
Boston Marathon day. You wouldnt think watching 24,000 people run would be all that exciting but the city really gets into it. Deciding that you will drink as long as people are runnning is a great idea for such an event. Drunk people cheering really fast people is pretty entertaining. Amazingly with all the people stumbling back and forth across the race course I didnt see anybody collide with a runner.
Fast Forward to Thursday April 19th.
-This was a big day for me as I finally reached the quarter century mark. How did I celebrate such a monumental event, well I worked all day then spent four hours in a red card class, out of control. Fortunately all day I was lavished with cards and presents from family and friends including a pair of flip flops with a built in flask, this is destined to be a reoccurring item in the blog.
Saturday April 21st
Bonfire on the beach to celebrate the birthday. The sunset, drinks, and fire were enjoyed by all, however as I was exhausted from the eight hours spent hanging out with firefighters, it remained rather uneventful for me.
Sunday April 22nd
The second beautiful cape cod day in a row. Temperatures reaching into the seventies. I celebrated the weather by cleaning my car. This may not sound all that exciting but I have literally been saying I was going to do this for Eight months and Seven days. It is rather nice to now have a clean(er) car.
That pretty much brings things up to date. I am sure there were many more exciting things that happened which have been forgotten by now but what can you do. Update the blog more frequently you say, only time can tell.
Good words.
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