Sunday, November 26, 2006

Turkey Day

7:15-Wake up before the alarm clock goes off. This is a bad sign as I could have slept in and gone in to work a little later, oh well

9:00 after hanging around the house and discovering the youtube clip of nate robinson swatting yao, I leisurely make it into work. As I am the only americorps person staff or member in the office I dont expect to get much done.

11:00 I am now amazed at the amount of work I have gotten done. Its amazing my level of productivity when nothing is around to distract. I return phone calls and reply to emails. I make appointments and schedule sight visits. Basically I got a weeks worth of work done in two hours because there were no distractions. Seems like I should be able to take advantage of this knowledge.

11:45 About to leave work I refresh the email one more time and recieve an email that requires drastic rescheduling on my part before I can leave the office.

11:52 Phone rings, why do people always wait until Im about to leave before they call, I swear its a conspiracy.

11:59 emails are finished and Im off the phone (this required serious multi tasking but again its amazing what Im capable of while by myself). I start shutting down my computer so I can go home. Windows chooses this as a good time to install updates. I wait for this to happen just knowing the phone will ring while I wait. Its eerie how much this moment resembles a scene from office space.

12:07 I have left the office and am stopping at the bank before heading to Boston. My cell phone rings, shit I knew this was too good to be true.

12:15 hang up the cell phone, group projejct details all ironed out

*** the next several hours involved me traveling by car and train to get into boston. I will spare the details as nothing all that exciting happened. I did eat some delicious bourbon chicken though.

4:30 The needle shoots through my eyebrow like a hot knife through butter. I expected it too hurt much more, sweet break for me.

7:00 after some more train riding sit down for a delicious dinner with mels and her parents, the timing was strategically planned so that we could al make it home in time for the Gonzaga North Carolina game.

9:00 (approx) Gonzaga UNC game starts, keep in mind I am with two UNC grads and the daughter of two UNC grads, there is no way this can go well.

9:15 (approx) This is not good at all, Gonzaga has yet to score and they are down 12-0. Those crazy UNC fans sure are enjoying this.

10:?? Halftime and Gonzaga is going in with the lead. I am exhausted and decide to quite with the game while I am ahead. I got an early race to run Turkey Day morning.


7:03 Alarm clock goes off, first thought, screw the race I want to go back to sleep.
7:05 I payed $23 to run this race and its non refundable, I better get out of bed

7:30 Leave for race

7:45 Arrive at race location and sign in. Apparently I registered like 23 people to late and dont get a T-shirt, tough break.

8:00 its freaking cold, I wish I got that free T-shirt

8:25 find open building to stretch in where it is nice and warm, sweet

8:52 join 2000 other people lined up in the street for the start of the race, by the way it has decided to start raining.

9:00 Why isnt the race starting, I dont feel like standing around in the rain

9:05 still waiting WTF

9:07 Race starts here we go.

9:35 cross the finish line, not a great time for 4 miles, but not bad.

9:40 into the bar for some free Guinness with my fellow racers

10:03 Find out that Gonzaga won the previous night against UNC, the gloating will begin soon

10:30 With a pace almost as fast as my running I have finished my sixth Guinness and am now drunk, boo-yah

Rest of the day: Booz, Turkey, Booz, Booz, Sleep.

That is all

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The PIT goes to New York

Thats right folks last weekend I made the four hour trip to Manhattan. As was predicted odd things happen when I go to an eleven mile long island with 8 million people on it. The craziness ensued as soon as I got off the subway. As I was walking through the station there was somebody playing the violin as appeared to be par for the course for subway stations. What set this apart as weird was as I was walking by the man stopped playing his violin came directly to me and I can only assume was asking me to play as he tries handing his violin to me (he didnt appear to speak english). It as this point when I realized this trip to New York was going to be interesting. The next few hours were fairly uneventful until while walking to a bar I was approached by a crazy guy asking me for a quarter. I respectfully tell him that I do not have a quarter and he replies "I also take hundreds". Seriously do I look like the type of guy who just walks aroud with hundreds of dollars, I think not. Fortunately my response of "so do I" was enough for him to depart laughing. Good Times. Fast Forward to later that evening when nice and drunk we get into a cab to go home as we dont want to take the time to ride the subway. Yelling and honking aside, riding in a new york taxi not the best idea when you are intoxicated. Additionally I did not get picked up by the cash cab which I found to be rather disappointing. The next day I woke up and spent a few hours seeing as much of the city as I had time for. I saw union square and central park which were both cool but the real fun started when we sat down outside at a restaraunt for lunch. I am sitting there in the midst of a conversation when what happens but a bird craps in my water glass, I shit you not (pun intended). Seriously right into the water glass, who else does this stuff happen to. On the plus side the bird missed my beer so I cant be too upset about it and actually it was kind of funny. That evening concluded with several hours with an open bar. Highlight of this being when at last call for the open bar I order a budweiser (as I am drunk enough to not know any better at this point) and the bartender brings me four of them. Solid move on his part, kept me nice and drunk for the next several hours. Other than that I dont recall too many crazy things happen, maybe this is a result of those last four beers. Fast Forward to sunday morning when I am leaving and decide to cut about an hour of my trip by walking six blocks through harlem from the subway to the train station. I would say I stuck out like a sore thumb walking through harlem but that wouldnt quite do it justice. It was an interesting experience as for a short time I really felt like a minority. Anywho that is about the extent of my weekend.
PIT out

Friday, November 03, 2006


Better late than never here are a few sweet pics from the halloween extravaganza

Luigi ready for some vodka luge at the pond. I know what you are thinking and the answer is yes, the mustache is real

Theres Luigi and his boy Mario with Erin sandwiched in between

A few good folks from wellfleet dressed up as the characters from clue (from left to right, Katie Peaches Amy Kyle Chelsea)

The classy ladies of Bourne (Kelly Laura Erin Liz Mel Kat Becca)