Monday, October 30, 2006

Cape Cod Marathon

The Dunkin Donuts cape cod marathon was on sunday and as I am a Pit of my word I competed whole heartedly with my team of Shane-O, Mel, Josh, and Tess. Congrats to all of my teammates on an excellent race as we took 38th out of roughly 170 relay teams. However the tip of the cap this week goes to "Bourne to run". This team composed purely of Americorps members from the Bourne house simply destroyed my team beating us by ten minutes or so and taking eighteenth overall in the relay. So Tony, Ben, Eric, Chris, and Liz a big tip of the cap to all of you for a job well done.

Dead to me

To steal a page from my boy meatballs blog I am going to throw something into the dead to me column. Imbedded deer tick you are dead to me. Eff you trying to stick yourself in my leg and live off of my human goodness juices. You are dead to me and if you gave me lyme disease then your entire family will be dead to me also.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Open Letter to the Crazy Olde Man

Dear Crazy Olde Man
I realize you are super olde and I am not which is supposed to mean you are much wiser than me, but I have some important advice for you nonetheless. Relax, calm down, chill out, take it easy, whatever you want to call it just stop being so high strung and so upset at the world. A car with three "kids" (and I use this in the cape cod sense of the term meaning anyone under fifty) driving down the road your house is on is not the end of the world. It is not worth you stopping us with the help of your little poodle so that you can yell at us. Had you calmed down enough to listen to what I was saying to you then you would have realized that we were providing a volunteer service organized through the town you live in that will directly better your living environment. Your grandkids will be able to once again run free without the fear of being attacked by a rabid raccoon, and judging by how high strung you were this is a constant fear of yours. Unfortunately you do not know how to calm down and listen and instead you felt the need to yell louder, start cursing, and call me an asshole. All the while I kept my composure and thanked you for your opinion and bid you good day, why did this seem to infuriate you even more? I was just being polite. The moral of the story crazy olde man is that if you take the time to listen to others you would have a much less stressfull life, wouldnt run the risk of getting yourself into trouble because lets face it that little dog cannot protect you, and you would no longer have to live in fear of being attacked by a rabid animal. On the other hand such a change in personality would make my day much less interesting so maybe you should disregard everything I have just said.
Sincerely Yours
The Pit

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

2 things of note

1. Rabies bates smell like fish oil and now so does my car, tough break.
2. Departed is an ok movie, not great, however it was filmed in Boston which was fun to see some of the places I have been.
That is all

Monday, October 23, 2006

weekend highlights

1. Friday night, rainy, dark, driving in Boston for the first time, nuff said
2. "Sometimes you just get drunk and stroke your buddys mustache" -Spencer Palmer
3. Drawing on a huge piece of butcher paper while in the bar friday night, seriously more bars should have this, or maybe white boards. You would be suprised how much fun it can be to draw or play hang man while drinking.
4. Finding a bicycle in the middle of the street while walking home from the bar and riding it the rest of the way. There were a few mechanical issues with the bike but that could not stop me. Where there is a will there is a way.
5. Finding a bike in the middle of the street, seriously how did this happen.
6. Reuniting with Marshalls, my long lost friend saturday morning.
7. Whole foods may be my new favorite grocery store.
8. sleeping fo like 12 hours saturday night, it had been way way way too long since I had done such a thing
9. Riding the T in Boston, so much better than driving. Seriously Seattle take not, public transportation kicks serious ass.
10. Went to my first crew race, actually it was more like a series of crew races. It was a rather large event and pretty fun.
11. Deciding that New England should now just be called England, and the country England should be called Olde England. Im pretty sure we earned that one in a little thing I like to call WWII

Thursday, October 19, 2006


The margin of victory in tonights hot pocket eating contest. Hats off to peaches for giving it his best effort, however his nine hot pockets was simply no match for me. Next time please someone provide a real challenge. Several pictures were taken but Im not sure if they are worth posting as I have not seen them yet. There was video of this extravaganza and it is currently being edited and hopefully will be posted on youtube when finished.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

weekend recap

1. Friday night all of americorps went to governor bradfords in Ptown. There is just something great about rolling 20 some odd people deep into a bar that has karaoke DJd by a drag queen. There was some great karaoke done and a great birthday rendition of POTUSA peaches for Mike "peaches" Platt. Good times.
2. Waking up saturday morning after maybe three hours sleep and heading off to do some volunteering at energy fair. Tired does not describe how I felt.
3. Playing the meow game and doing the repeater to cars at energy fair. This combined with the syrup chugging of several weeks ago has me convinced I am destined to live out the entire super troopers movie. I have no problem with this.
4. Shuck and Run 5k race this morning. I got tenth out of almost 200 people. I was hoping to do it in under 20 minutes and finished in 20:22. Pretty close for a hilly course and I really cant complain about 10th
5. Oysterfest, by far the biggest event of the year in wellfleet, good times. Highlights included but certainly not limited to getting my picture taken with the sausage king, and watching an actual shuck off. Plus I just love that word. Oh yeah and some lady coming up to me, getting closer than I generally prefer for a conversation and just saying bullshit. Me standing there really confused forgetting what shirt I was wearing (turns out the word bullshit was written on my shirt with a picture of George W and the BUSH from bullshit all in caps). Uncomfortable situations are funny.
6. Pretty stoked to go do some work restoring a salt marsh tommorrow, should be good times.
7. PIT out.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hot Pockets

While at the stop and shop yesterday I ran across an amazing find. Chicken Fajita hot pockets are being discontinued and were half off. I did the obvious thing and purchased the entire supply the stop and shop had. This seemed like a great idea at the time, but now I am not so sure. There are multiple ways this can screw me over. Option A is that this flavor hot pockets are being discontinued because they are disgusting. This would obviously suck. Option B is that these will be the best hot pockets ever and I will spend the rest of my life upset that I can never again get them. Either way would suck. I will keep you all posted on how they are. Additional things to look forward in upcoming blogs, "you know your life sucks when you have to ask the transvestite karaoke DJ where your husband is" and pictures from the medieval faire. Be excited because they are worth the wait.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Random events today

Today I got to do several things that I dont do on a very regular basis
1. Eating raw oysters at 8 in the morning, have to say I should do this one more often, they were delicious, would have been better with a little booz though
2. Fight an amazing battle with some stairs. I returned home from the oyster work to find our stairs caving in creating a not so ideal situation. Lets just say the score is now stairs 0 Dave 1. Good times
3. Im getting a cold, I wish I wasnt, buts its not everyday this happens so I figure I should try to find some good in it. It looks like the cold is going to keep me from singing karaoke with a transvestite tonight, not sure if this is good or bad.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


If you are reading this then you are probably as bored at work as I am right now and I feel your pain. I really dont have anything to say Im just bored. I am going to start counting the number of meetings I have until someone comments on the disgusting mustache. The count may go on for a while because its not a very comfortable topic for someone to bring up when they have just met you and are hoping to do some work with you. I cant wait for mini golf tonight. Back to the Grind now

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Something to look forward too

I plan on going miniature golfing tommorrow after work. This is exciting for multiple reasons:
1. The mini golf place is called "pirates cove", we all know how I feel about pirates
2. Amazingly I have the perfect sweater for such an occasion and the weather should be just right to break it out
3. The mustache is looking better than ever
4. I should get some amazing pictures out of this
5. That is all

Monday, October 02, 2006

What a day

I need to start off by saying that this weekend was one of the greatest weekends in history. I do not feel that I can do it justice with my words so I will forgo any sort of explanation and you will just have to take my word for it. Moving on.

The this weekend I am speaking of ended promptly at ten oclock (EST) last night when I returned home, turned on the seahawks game, and saw they were getting destroyed by the bears, boo to that. However I was still riding my high spirits from the weekend when I woke up this morning. As time passed on , wait no Im getting ahead of myself, first an explanation;
I was scheduled to attend a meeting this morning to set up some work on distributing oral rabies vaccinations throughout the lower cape. However this meeting was set up for me by Mary (and I completely appreciate everything she does for me, dont get the wrong idea from this Mary is awesome). Due to minor communication errors I was not going to know the location of this meeting until this morning, keep in mind the meeting is at 9:30

So I wake up at seven oclock ready to start my day and I check my email, no email yet with the location but I have plenty of time. I decide I can sleep a little longer so I hit snooze on the alarm and go back to sleep. Nine minutes later the alarm goes off again, I refresh my internet browser and still no email. This still causes me no worries as I really am not expecting it until about eight oclock, cutting things close but Mary has to sleep too. I continue with the snooze refresh game for about an hour and at eight oclock finally get myself out of bed even though the email has yet to arrive. I decide to have breakfast while I wait so I make myself a bowl of oatmeal, delicious. The game continue, 8:10 no dice. 8:20 nothing. 8:30 still no email and Im starting to get worried so I take my phone outside to get a signal and call Mary. When I get a signal I recieve a voicemail from Mary saying the email was sent out around eight. I return inside to check again around 8:33 and finally the three emails appear. I quickly scan through them ignoring all information and only looking for the location of the event. I find the location google map it, sprint out the door and am in my car around 8:47. At this point I look at the google map and realize it takes just over 50 minutes to get to my destination. I make it in about 42 minutes and 55 seconds and literally run through the town hall in order to make it to the meeting on time. This is great, I have come through and saved myself the embarassment of showing up really late with no better excuse than miscommunication. Lets face it nobody wants to be that guy. As the meeting gets going general mayhem ensues as people struggle to understand the concept that I can only offer six people on tuesday wednesday and thursday but if they are willing to schedule a monday or friday I can offer 14 people. I dont feel like its a difficult concept but apparently I didnt explain it all that well. Anyways I get through the meeting and it this point I realize I have completely exhausted myself and its only 12 oclock. The morning was a rough start but the afternoon is not looking any better. I struggle through an extremely cheezy video on rabies baiting and by 1:30 I am off to the office. I get to the office extremely tired but ready to get some things done like make phone calls about this fridays project. I open my bag up and realize in my rush out the door this morning I left all pertinent information about said project at the house. My next two hours will be slightly productive but more or less useless. At 3:30 I go to see the first run through of the Americorps reduce reuse recycle puppet show. This was absolutely the high point of the day as it was hillarious. however afterwards I was attacked by numerous puppets, not really the ideal happening when you are extremely tired.

I am now at the point of falling asleep so Im cutting off this post. The last part of the day wasnt all that exciting either, until I checked my email and read the best email I have gotten in a long time so hooray for that. Bed NOW